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Revija Ciciban
Revija Mama
Knjižnica Ivančna Gorica
Kreativne igrače
Baby Center Slovenija

Meet our ambassadors

is a popular Slovenian influencer and a mother, who loves her family and spreads positive energy.
Uroš Kuzman
Uroš Kuzman
is a father of two children, professor of mathematics, musician and successful stand-up comedian.
Eva Ahačevčič Pakiž
Eva Ahačevčič Pakiž
is a devoted mother, fashion model, jourunalist, editor and famous fashion blogger.
Tanja Krejić
Tanja Krejić
is a mother of a child with autism who raises awareness about the diagnosis and its challenges. She is a lover of coffee, good books and an eternal optimist.
Dragica Šteh
Dragica Šteh
is a mother of four children and a primary school teacher of mathematics with a big heart and a passion for writing books and poems.
Dijana Žiberna
Dijana Žiberna
is a mother, broadcaster, narrator, radio presenter and marketing director. She is the creator of the children's YouTube channel TimmyKidsTV, the author of 2 children's books and the mastermind behind the ZgodbaZame project.
Učiteljica Nina
Učiteljica Nina
is a primary school teacher, who actively promotes video and audio content about child development and growth.
Nina Korošec
Nina Korošec
is a special educator, early interventionist for ASD (autism) and founder of Zavod To sem jaz.
Tjaša Islamčevič Lešnik
Tjaša Islamčevič Lešnik
is a professor of special and rehabilitation pedagogy, a mother, a partner, a lecturer, a sensory integration therapist in pedagogy and a student of the MRNI method who loves fun learning.